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Marriage Kids and Money Episode
Marriage Kids and Money Podcast - I'm Nearly a Millionaire at 28! Thanks Real Estate Investing 🙌
I’ve been keeping a secret, and I’m happy to announce that I can finally share it. This week we were featured on one of my favorite podcasts Marriage, Kids, and Money. Andy is the host and...
Free and Cheap Valentine's Day Ideas - Gifts from the Heart
There are two people in this world. People who love Valentine’s Day, and people who think it’s a made-up Hallmark holiday. But my parents own Hallmark stores, so I am obligated to write this...
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4 Things to do to Prepare for a Recession
Recessions are nothing new. The question is never will a recession hit, but WHEN? and would you look at that, one may be right around the corner. A recession is typically defined by a fall in the GDP in...
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HSA, Why you should max out this account - The best retirement account that no one uses.
I am way too excited to write this post. I have such a passion for using an HSA in this way. It doesn’t work well and/or isn’t an option for everyone. But, my number one goal with this blog...
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Suggested Reads (and listens) - My Favorite Books, Blogs, and Podcasts
We all want quality content to consume, here is my list of suggestions when it comes to everything money. I am only comfortable suggesting or commenting on the things I have consumed myself and really...
Let's Play F.I.R.E. BINGO. Where are you on your FI Journey?
Where are you on your path to Financial Independence? Let’s play a game to find out! If you’re on the path to F.I.R.E (financial independence retire early) then you’ve probably heard...
Andrea Boudoir
Welcome to Making Money Nerds - Let's Get Started
Wow, I kind of can’t believe I actually pulled it together enough to actually start something here. My poor husband has been there for all my rollercoasters. I’m the person who’s intensely...